Our approach
GEN-MIGRA will produce new theoretical and practical advances in the field of gendered migration by bringing together the analysis of gender, mobilities, vulnerabilities and agency across transnational spaces. The project examines how different forms of material, symbolic and physical violence created and exacerbated by Covid-19 pandemic influence migrant women’s patterns of mobility and wellbeing.
- Interdisciplinary Our team brings together experts across the fields of Social Policy, Sociology, Human Geography, Anthropology and Gender and Migration Studies to transform our understandings of gendered international mobilities.
- Comparative GEN-MIGRA compares state responses and women’s experiences across several countries to gain insight into the global commonalities and differences of migrant women’s vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies to the pandemic.
- Transnational The project documents and analyses the impacts of Covid-19 on women’s international mobilities, transnational social and care networks and women’s access to social resources within and across borders.
- Intersectional GEN-MIGRA analyses intersectional vulnerabilities by exploring cross-cutting inequalities experienced by a diverse sample of women across age groups, race and religious groups, sexual identity, country of origin, education, marital and migratory statuses.